School Identity
School Motto
Seek to Grow, Strive to Excel, Serve with Honour
School Song
We proudly sing about our school
That shines among the rest.
With youthful vigour, youthful zest,
We'll make our school the best!
Forward, march on,
Serangoon Secondary School!
We will lift our voices and sing,
We will seek, we will strive,
We will serve with pride,
Honours to you we'll bring!
Forward, march on,
Serangoon Secondary School!
We will lift our voices and sing,
We will seek, we will strive,
We will serve with pride,
Honours to you!
### School Emblems

##### The School Logo
The zeal with which we pursue our mission is expressed in the symbols and colours of our badge and flag.
##### The Symbols
**Eagle** - The eagle depicted is the German Eagle that symbolises self-discipline, dignity, esteem, and power.
**Lamp** - The lamp, with its radiant and glowing flame, symbolises knowledge acquired through the studying of academic subjects and a pupil's all-round development, well-being, and balanced personality. Together, they symbolise the determination with which we seek to achieve our goals.
##### The Colours
**Blue** signifies the two important and essential qualities of a good character, namely piety and sincerity.
**White** embodies everything that is pure and wholesome, particularly, purity in thought, word, and deed.
**Orange** represents strength - both in character and physique, integrity - strength and firmness of character, and endurance - the spirit of determination and the ability to persevere to the very end.