Message by HOD
Message by HOD (Student Management)
In Serangoon Secondary, we firmly believe that students learn well when there is order and discipline. At the same time, they need care, encouragement, and space to learn from their mistakes and improve.
We adopt the positive and proactive approach to discipline in school. Our teachers work very closely to promote supportive and nurturing environment for your child in school. Together with the Student Development Team and the Year Head team, we work closely in identifying possible challenges faced in the classrooms and mitigate risk factors to prevent challenging behaviour from happening and disrupting learning. Despite preventive measures, students could still display inappropriate behaviours due to various reasons. We will address and correct the inappropriate behaviour promptly so that it does not disrupt teaching and learning. We have measures that we put in place in school as a proxy for consequences of the poor choices made. These will be meted out fairly, firmly, and appropriately. As our goal is for students to develop self-discipline and good character, it is important for teachers to help misbehaving students to replace their inappropriate behaviour with appropriate ones, and to restore relationships with others hurt by their actions.
When it comes to working with students who display willful or rebellious behaviour, we cannot expect to see changes overnight. It takes a lot of patience and constant guidance and encouragement, but when the message seeps in and takes root, the payoff is huge. Over the years, we have witnessed many students who have progressed and changed for the better.
Issues relating to discipline are often multi-faceted, and effective collaboration involving schools, parents and the community is important to instill and reinforce the right values and behaviour in our students. I look forward to working closely with all our students’ parents in supporting our students and believe that through our partnership, we will be able to boost their achievements and increase positive student behaviours.
I firmly believe that there are bad choices, bad situations, bad behaviours, but there are no bad children. As a school, collectively with all the FTs and subject teachers, we will do our best in nurturing your child. There will be times when we discipline the students and the reason we do so is because we care. Our students need care, encouragement and space to learn from mistakes. Together, we can create a conducive environment for our students to develop to their fullest potential.
Ms Ng He Li
HOD (Student Management)